The chuffed lemmings, having been sold out, yet again. They were conned by Turnbull in the most shameful way. Now. they were conned again by a Turnbull Moore acolyte, connected to The Usual Suspects. And no one asked the right questions. BEYOND PATHETIC. They did Turnbull’s bidding. by G Squared, […]
In the latest dramatic turn in the NZ National Party leak scandal, whistleblower Jamie Lee-Ross has been pushed too far. His alleged “mental fragility” came to light back on October 2 and Simon Bridges stated his “self imposed” leave had nothing to do with the developing Expenses Leak investigation: […]
While the fact remains that the United States has long had and maintained such allies—staunchly defending them from international rebuke and shielding them from prosecution—Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) says the alleged murder and brutal dismemberment of journalist Jamal Khashoggi by his own Saudi government and ongoing war crimes in Yemen […]
Chinese multi-millionaire Yikun Zhang was put forward for a Queen’s Birthday honour by the National Party. Botany MP Jami-Lee Ross yesterday claimed Zhang made a $100,000 donation to the National Party. By: David Fisher Senior writer, NZ Herald 17 Oct, 2018 5:00am That donation is now at the centre of […]
A fascinating twist to the “Simon Bridges Expenses Leak Witch Hunt” saga. Despite Bridges initially being certain the leak didn’t come from within his own party, it turned out the party pooper was indeed a party-within-the-party. Subsequently, the guilty party has been sacked, but not without a nice little parting […]
The Great Pre-Midterm Purge Has Begun… Just in time for midterms, Facebook has removed 559 pages and 251 accounts they claim have been spreading misinformation and spam. Several of the pages however – some with millions of followers, were pro-Trump conservatives who had spent years cultivating their followings. By […]
I’ll just follow Trump’s lead on this one, and let Kanye do the talking! Space Force News Published on Oct 11, 2018 I’ll only run for president after Trump – EXPLOSIVE Press Conference: Kanye West, Jim Brown meet with President Donald Trump at White House Press Briefing. From the […]
Do you get a sense, that something is wrong like that dissonance, that does not belong By Rudy Avizius OpEdNews Op Eds 10/9/2018 As we move through the journey of life, many people are experiencing a sense of dis-ease, that something is off-kilter, that the narratives we are receiving do […]
How ironic that the head of an anti corruption organisation has himself been potentially caught up in a Chinese anti-corruption crackdown! Meng Hongwei, who leads the international police organization, hasn’t been seen in more than a week By Jen Kirby, Oct 5, 2018, In what sounds like the […]
If you only read ONE Alternative News article this year, it should be this one. Like the story of the One Ring that rules them all, this is the story of how One Group financially enslaved the world and now rules us all. Today, public money is in the […]