Syria missile strikes: based on what evidence? Open letter to EU boss, Jean-Claude Juncker: yes, break up the US by Jon Rappoport May 24, 2018 “There is a line that governments cross. When they reach a certain size, and when they are exerting enough control, they turn around and tell […]
Making sense of the MSM reporting. I’ve been watching the Mainstream Media reports today (24 May ’18) regarding the forthcoming (or not?) US/ North Korea summit. A top ranking official (Choe Son Hui) making inflammatory remarks about Pence, nuclear threats…good grief. If one goes by the screaming MSM headlines it’s […]
Excellent commentary and opinion from a renowned artist and performer (see bio and links) May 14, 2018 / Gilad Atzmon Young Palestinians protestors at the Gaza border carry signs in Hebrew: “Soldier, we are not objects, we are human beings.’ By Gilad Atzmon Zionism promised to solve the Jewish problem. […]
We couldn’t let the special day go unreported now could we? And what better way to acknowledge the Royal Wedding than with comment from David Icke? Enough from me, over to Mr. Icke: Forget the Markles – who in their right mind would want to marry into the royal family? […]
The world is clearly horrified, as it should be. There seems to be no one, even in the msm, making excuses for Israel’s repulsive actions, as this item from the Sydney Morning Herald demonstrates: By Jonathan Ferziger 18 May 2018 — 1:18pm Skunk water, sticky foam, sponge grenades and tear […]
“Invincible”? Nothing is invincible. The US secrecy machine and probably China’s too, have plenty of tricks up their sleeve to deal with these Hypersonic toys (which aren’t ready yet, take note). I reckon this is another fearmongering exercise. I’m sure Uncensored readers are smart enough to see the big picture. […]
A predictably grim response to the opening of the US Embassy in Israel. So much for peace so far: Gaza (CNN)Israeli forces killed dozens of Palestinians in bloody clashes at the Gaza border Monday in the deadliest day there since the 2014 war, as the US officially opened its Embassy […]
Political organizations registered under The Internal Revenue Code section 501 (c) (4), are not only tax exempt; they are not required to maintain any public records concerning their membership, associations, or lists of donors and financial supporters. The DNC under its former president Tom Perez has ‘trained’ and funded over […]
David Icke’s update on current events. Trump, Iran and Israel feature strongly, as you would expect! David Icke Published on May 11, 2018
Having junked one agreement, can the US President forge another? Dominic Green The Specator 12 May 2018 For someone so frequently denounced as a liar, Donald Trump keeps an awful lot of promises. In the 2016 election campaign, he promised that he would take the United States out […]