The Syrian Outcome Has Departed the Script The CIA and presstitutes will re-write the history Paul Craig Roberts Stephen Lendman sums up the success of Russian and Syrian militaries against Washington-supported ISIS. Washington claims to be fighting ISIS, but doesn’t. Remember, U.S. General Flynn, former director of the Defense […]
Once upon a time in The West, there were four little Fairy Queens. Nutty: Hillary Clinton. Goody: Marine le Pen. Dumby: Theresa May. Bady: Angela Merkel. They all decided to run for election, believing all the children loved them, and the Big Bad Wolf would protect them. Except for poor […]
Patrick Gower – Newshub – Tuesday, 26 September 2017 Winston Peters could be out for revenge against National over their attempts to take him down during the campaign. A New Zealand First source has told Newshub Peters is particularly resentful towards Steven Joyce, whom he personally detests. Peters believes Joyce […]
THE AFD will now become the third largest party in the Bundestag and promise to cause trouble for Angela Merkel’s Conservatives. But who are the AfD? By Alice Foster PUBLISHED: 18:23, Sun, Sep 24, 2017 | UPDATED: 18:23, Sun, Sep 24, 2017 The Alternative for Germany (AfD) secured a […]
Next month, Obama is holding a World Leaders Conference in Chicago. He is desperately attempting to salvage The Clintonised Democratic Party, before the November 2018 Mid-Term Elections. He is the only Champion and Message The Dems. and their remnant cohorts have. Expect the war criminal and […]
Next month (October 2017) the final JFK Report is to be released. It was determined last year that the herds will be given something extra; but will never be told the truth. I will detail in upcoming articles how JFK was murdered. For now, this will set the stage… ‘You […]
by Martin Harris New Zealand readers can’t help but have seen and heard the MSM reporting on the Marsden Refinery pipeline leak that has brought Auckland to it’s knees. “Thousands of flights cancelled” as jet fuel supply runs dry. “it could take up to 2 weeks to fix”, which means […]
An Economic Lesson for China and Russia Paul Craig Roberts Is there anyone in Trump’s government who is not an imbecile? After years of endless military threats against Russia—remember CIA deputy director Mike Morell saying on TV (Charlie Rose show) that the US should start killing Russians to […]
The Washington Post Amanda Erickson In 2004, Hjalti Sigurjon Hauksson was imprisoned for raping his stepdaughter nearly every day for 12 years, starting when she was just 5. Thirteen years later, his crime has helped bring down Iceland’s government. The story involves Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson and his father, Benedikt […]