Classic Winston Peters, teasing potential bombshells in the leadup to the next NZ election in the aftermath of Ardern abandoning her post. MH 21,159 views Jan 20, 2023 Join Platform Plus for enhanced access and features: Download The Platform app for free: App Store:… Google Play:… Call […]
I hate to say “I told you so”, but I told you so. Trotting around the globe flashing her CV and making preparations to evacuate before the Big Fall in the next elections. “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead”! Opinion by Martin Harris 19/1/23 And I DID promise I’d do […]
The latest controversial and Uncensored News from the USA via BCP/Open Source News. New Zealanders might take note at 2:08 with regards to an attempt by the American left to get the voting age lowered to 16. does that sound familiar…? MH 8,549 views Jan 15, 2023 #BCPTODAY#TRUMP#TRUMPNEWS00:00 DEMS try […]
Interesting how rapidly they made a U-Turn and portray the Ukraine military as heroes, is it not? Here’s Time Magazine, a mere two years ago: Here’s the almighty BBC 8 years back: Aug 9, 2022 CBS aired this documentary about U.S. weapons getting lost in the Ukraine a few days […]
Standing ovation for this lady: She did her research on Trump and his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein. MH Quite a contrast to the Melinda Gates clip we posted previously:
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed into law a controversial statute expanding the government’s power to regulate media groups and journalists in the country. Brad Dress – The Hill, Yahoo News Jan 2, 2023 Zelensky signed the legislation on Thursday over the objections of media unions and press freedom organizations that warned it […]
House Reps release bombshell report showing Pelosi staff had regular meetings setting up J6 security, helped revise plans, and turned down requests from USCP and House Sgt. at Arms for more funding and Nat’l Guard troops IT WAS A SETUP!! Rogan O’ Handley From Rogan O’Handley Twitter Account: Nothing to […]
In the past two years, the MSM has done a total U-turn on Ukraine. In 2020 the nation was a haven for neo-Nazis and the orphanages were terrible places where no child should end up. Let’s examine the latest skewed reporting and the likely truth behind the propaganda. Martin Harris […]
Bringing the Nord Stream 2 saga up to date: Two plus two equals…well, you don’t have to be a genius to join the dots here. MH First some links to recap on the Nord Stream “accident” Which brings us to subsequent recent events: The US is set to double its […]
Russel Brand delivers the latest military-industrial news in his unique style, including the official B21 Raider Stealth jet unveiling. The American war industry is looking forward to “multiyear authority” in Ukraine. Does that sound like they want peace or don’t want peace? #war #nuke #ukraine Russell Brand Russell Brand6.08M subscribers […]