Troops on the ground aren’t the only measure of horrific warfare, writes Norman Solomon. A U.S. Army soldier watching U.S. Air Force fighter jets attack positions in Afghanistan’s Korengal Valley, Aug. 13, 2009. (U.S. Army, Matthew Moeller) ByNorman When I met a 7-year-old girl named Guljumma at a refugee camp […]
Vasily Grossman was a war correspondent in the Soviet Union during World War II. After the war he became a novelist, and Life and Fate, about life in the Soviet Union during the Battle of Stalingrad, is considered his masterpiece. Written in 1960, the novel was suppressed by the KBG and not […]
“The Prime Minister should take some personal responsibility when things go wrong, instead of throwing members of the public under a bus.” says ACT Leader David Seymour. Press Release This article is a press release that has been published in full and un-edited by The BFD. ACT PartyACT Leader David Seymour. “The […]
Project Veritas did the work, Zerohedge and Iowa Climate Institute pick up on the story, with a bomshell interview exposing the “mind” of CNN. “Fear sells”. ‘We Were Creating A Story — Our Focus Was To Get Trump Out’: CNN Director Busted By Undercover Veritas Operative BY TYLER DURDENTUESDAY, APR […]
The indulgence and interference in Ukraine by the Americans and their NATO allies has been criminally reckless and is leading to a slow, agonizing scorched-earth conflict. The arsonists need to leave. Or Russia will have to act. Finian Cunningham – Strategic Review April 12, 2021 Before entering politics to become […]
I wish that heading was a joke. It isn’t. by Martin Harris 9/4/21 What a bizarre, almost Monty-Pythonesque week it has been. The grand announcement here in Southern Hemisphere that the Aussie-NZ COVID “travel bubble” is imminent met with a wave of euphoria, tinged with a hint of confusion as […]
The “other” Holocaust (the one they DON’T teach you about!) NIGHTBREED Martin adds: Since the video expresses a distinct anti-Semitic flavour, some additional info might be helpful in maintaining objectivity. Wikipedia entry on Yagoda: Apparently he was not “Stalin’s man”… Genrikh Yagoda – Wikipedia And the same source on the […]
Dear Prime Minister, Attorney-General, Director-General of Health and Chris Sue Grey RE PFIZER VACCINE “COMIRNATY” RE BREACHES OF MEDICINES ACT, MISLEADING AND DECEPTIVE CLAIMS and OTHER MATTERS I represent a large number of New Zealanders who are extremely concerned about apparent legal breaches and misleading and deceptive representations in the […]
The Chinese are winning the war against The West without firing a single bullet. Asymmetrical warfare techniques clearly work. MH On Friday, Chinese forces committed their largest ever incursion into Taiwanese airspace, and in the Middle East, Iran rebel militias are attacking Saudi oil fields and building up missile stockpiles. […]
The Suez Canal’s blockage by a ship run aground is emblematic of the cascading failures in the global economy: a controlled demolition of all human activity is leading us into The Great Reset. by Ice Age Farmer | Mar 25, 2021 | Podcast Download (mp3): FULL SHOW NOTES: bitchute: SUBSCRIBE on bitchute: […]