A Federal Appeals Court just returned 3-0 in favour of Trump. 237 Donkeys were falsely suing Trump under Emoluments Legislation. by G Squared Pelosi just had a bad temper psychotic episode in front of media in a street encounter. The clip has disappeared. Social Media is buzzing I believe, with […]
Trump is was, predictably, acquitted by The Senate on Wed. 5/2/2020. But The Dems are as children with the matches, who do not listen. It is precisely that stupid and sad. Opinion by G Squared 7/2/20 After some factional infighting, with an election on the immediate horizon, no less; they […]
New York City Council has voted to ban cashless stores and restaurants, arguing that they discriminate against the unbanked. Finextra – Jan 27, 2020 The council voted to pass a bill requiring brick and mortar outlets in the city to accept US bills and coins or face fines of up […]
“I have read through the entire 181 pages of Trump’s “peace deal” for Israel, and it is breathtaking.” Authored by Craig Murraycraigmurray.org.ukSat, 01 Feb 2020 21:30 UTC I have read through the entire 181 pages of Trump’s “peace deal” for Israel, and it is breathtaking. It is not just that […]
Impeachment game over. Comes as no surprise really. What a circus. What a waste of time and money. Still, at least they all got a nice Mont Blanc pen as a souvenir to remember their idiocy by.
Dirty “Joe The Molester” Biden is now lying about the economics of Coronavirus. Opinion by G Squared The fellow who publicly touches up young girls and sucks his wife’s fingers. Just ‘Hands on Joe’ according to The FemLoon Pitt of ‘The View’. Did The Spanish Flu (started in a French […]
Nigel Farage silenced for breaking the rules during his final speech in the EU Parliament Saw this special moment played on the TV news and it put a smile on my dial. Enjoy! MH “There is a historic battle going on now across the West – in Europe, America and […]
Here’s the Democrats “new look” with a certain Middle Eastern flavor! Yes, this is a photoshopped image and intended as humorous satire. But lest you are inclined to think “will never happen”… This is neither photoshopped nor a joke. (And no, she isn’t a devotee of Islam, nor a believer […]
Ahoy mateys: A motley crew of piratical scallywags have sailed this ship! A superb bit of detective work and on-the spot fieldwork by Ben Vidgen that takes in the Kashoggis, Ghislaine Maxwell, Trump, the Clintons and Hong Kong minister Patrick Ho Chi-ping, the United Nations, and the common demoninator; a […]
An IMPORTANT article for those who think for themselves! If the public had a clear understanding of what’s going on in their world, the empire would forever lose its ability to control them and rule them. Whoever controls the narrative controls the world. The imperialists understand this. The public, by […]