Nobody shuts down whole countries for seasonal influenza, despite the death rate and contagion potential. What’s different about Covid19? by Martin Harris Until recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated the annual mortality burden of influenza to be 250 000 to 500 000 all-cause deaths globally; however, a 2017 study indicated a […]

Peoples Republic of China Infiltration of Australia  Martin’s note: While most of the material in Arlyn’s article will be familiar to regular readers here, the collation of this information into a single item will no doubt be a valuable reference point for researchers. The very use of Republic is a misnomer […]

His name is often mentioned, but we’re frequently asked who he actually is and what is his agenda? This article sums things up rather well. MH Hide Out Now – Nov 30, 2019 George Soros has financed abortion on demand, legalization of drugs, and more recently, district attorney races in […]

If you hear an unfounded statement often enough, you might just start believing that it’s true. Matthew WarrenBPS Research DigestThu, 12 Sep 2019 10:29 UTC This phenomenon, known as the “illusory truth effect”, is exploited by politicians and advertisers — and if you think you are immune to it, you’re […]

Conspire: Literally to “breathe together”. To collude. And that is exactly what the NZ mainstream media did this week with regards to the climate change/global warming narrative. So here’s our response. by Martin Harris 20/9/19 The Conversation, Stuff and the New Zealand Science Media Centre and TVNZ locked arms this […]

In direct response to a recent influx of communications from victims of targeted electronic harassment/torture, and criticism for my supposed failure to offer practical support, here’s something practical that victims and sympathetic activists can do: How about turning those few hundred signatures into thousands? Martin Harris Petition Sign Up: For […]
