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Utah State University presented a first-of-its-kind electric bus that is charged through wireless charging technology in a demonstration Nov. 15. The Aggie Bus rolled onto the streets carrying passengers today just 16 months after USU demonstrated the first high-power, high-efficiency wireless power transfer system capable of transferring enough energy to […]
On Tuesday, the vast majority of African Americans cast their votes for a man whose hands are soaked in the blood of millions of Congolese. Barack Obama, like his predecessors George Bush and Bill Clinton, has pulled the strings, paid the cash, and sent the weapons that Uganda and Rwanda […]
The newly released Shell Sustainability Report for 2011 says “Population growth and rising living standards are driving energy demand, contributing to increased environmental stresses. As the world becomes more crowded, the stresses between the essentials of life – water, food and energy – will become more critical. Energy production needs […]
It’s an intrigue befitting the machinations of classical colonialism in past centuries, such as the Sykes-Picot carve-up of the Middle Eastern Levant territories, or the betrayal of the Arabs after World War I, or the theft of Mesopotamia’s oil by British capitalists. Only this time, it is Arabs who are […]
Monsanto’s disregard for human health is evidenced by their hazardous GMO crops and herbicides, but a shocking new report has revealed the company’s illegal ‘slave-like’ working conditions. Forcing slave workers to work the cornfields for 14 hours per day and buy their food (most likely GMO) at highly-inflated prices […]
Monsanto is not simply a company who sells genetically modified products to those seeking them. This massive corporation is actually very much involved with the passing and proposals of regulations concerning the very GM ingredients they are responsible for. You may think those helping to pass the GMO bills truly […]
“Peak Oil” is the theory that the world is running out of “fossil fuels” whose depletion will turn society on its head. However, there still exist dual theories on the origin of oil, neither of which can yet be fully proven. It is of great importance to weigh both theories […]