A report says wars are less deadly than they once were and national mortality rates have continued to decline, even during conflicts, due to smaller scale fighting and better healthcare. The report by a Canada-based project sponsored by four European governments also dismissed a widely-cited figure of 5.4 million people […]
South West Asia
Most of the West Bank is under rule which amounts to apartheid by paper. “Palestine” is no more. Call it a “peace process” or a “road map”; blame it on Barack Obama’s weakness, his pathetic, childish admission – like an optimistic doctor returning a sick child to its parents without […]
There is no doubt of it. More and more people all over the world, and probably many of their governments behind closed doors, are beginning to see the Zionist state of Israel for what it really is – not only the obstacle to peace but a monster apparently beyond control; […]
The US already has thousands of military robots and unmanned aircraft in Afghanistan. As for the prospect of killer robots stalking the battlefield Russia is catching up, with a Russian team building one too.
[ … and why was he booed ? Because he -is- a liar and he -is- a murderer ] Article
[ WARNING : Reading the brainwashed and enthusiastic remarks posted by all the Billy-Bob Fox Viewing -hicks- in the comment sections of these clips about this horrible new technology can make you lose your lunch ]
GENEVA (AFP) – UN human rights experts warned in a report on Wednesday that “widespread and systematic” secret detention of terror suspects was continuing and could pave the way for charges of crimes against humanity. The report listed 66 countries that have allegedly been involved in secret detentions — from […]
Pro-democracy protests in Iran top the news agenda, but similar tensions in Egypt pass unreported Egyptian plain-clothes policemen detain a demonstrator in Mahala, April 2008. Here’s a thought experiment: pick a random Middle Eastern country led by an unpopular autocrat whose legitimacy is being challenged by a growing wave of […]