[ Dubai is where those evil fu*ks from Halliburton relocated their offices – when they got sick of paying taxes. This from Brasscheck TV ] For years the news media has portrayed Dubai as a wonderland. Now, it’s being held up as an example of extravagance. The missing part of […]
South West Asia
The Cost of War by Philip Giraldi War may be hell, but it also doesn’t come cheap and it is time that the US taxpayer begin to question what he is getting for his money. [youtube]zk0luq1JYxc[/youtube] Napoleon once famously said that an army travels on its stomach. He meant that […]
From Rethink Afghanistan.com [youtube]a6rWQ2lUsIg[/youtube]
The phrase ‘contempt prior to examination’ leaps readily to mind here. (and so does her interview with John Pilger just after the ‘war on terror’ started some eight -fucking- years ago). I guess that some journalists – especially those that wish to remain systemically employed for wealthy entities like the […]
An extremely well made documentary from the Beeb – on the commerce of war, and how the military industrial complex profits so much from war, that it must create wars to continue the growth of it’s business. It’s quite the eye-opener. Click here to watch
Aggressive and exclusive military alliances like NATO should be disbanded Alan McKinnon shows that the UK and US ‘defence’ policy is in fact a ‘projection of power’ policy with the primary purpose of defending the commercial interests of transnational companies The world of war is today dominated by a single […]
More international community members condemn Israel over plans to authorize construction of 900 new housing units at Gilo, a settlement built illegally on Palestinian land occupied in the 1967 war. China criticized the Israeli government’s move to expand a Jewish neighborhood in the part of Jerusalem, Al-Quds, claimed by Palestinians, […]
I nside B r i t a i n’s I s r a e l Lobby https://snardfarker.ning.com/video/i-nside-b-r-i-t-a-i-ns-i-s-1 Dispatches ( Channel 4 – U.K. ) investigates one of the most powerful and influential political lobbies in Britain, which is working in support of the interests of the State of Israel. Despite […]