PLEASE SIGN A PETITION DEMANDING RECOGNITION, TREATMENT AND COMPENSATION That the house of representatives in New Zealand formally recognise those harmed by the Covid-19 vaccines. As of 28 February, 2022 there have been 58,399 reports of adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccine in New Zealand. These injuries are recorded on […]
What a funny old time it is to be alive right now. More and more people are awakening to the truth as reality unfolds before their eyes. Voices for People are seeing that the promises made regarding the safety and efficacy of the vaccine have been based on false […]
The producer considers this to be the most important video he has made. Government and university data combine to show a strong co-relation between New Zealand’s vaccine roll-out and excess all causes deaths. The video ends with a call for a public inquiry to find out why. Grant Dixon77 subscribers […]
The World Health Organisation – heavily funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – wants countries to sign a Covid-19 treaty that would have the “WHO Constitution” take precedence over a country’s constitution during natural disasters and pandemics. 26 February 2022 The Buzz This would allow them to make their “guidelines” […]
In general, healthy children with no significant underlying health conditions under 16 years old are at little to no risk of severe illness complications from COVID-19. For adolescents 16 to 17 years of age, the risk of myocarditis due to the COVID-19 vaccines may outweigh the benefits. A study conducted […]
I am deeply saddened by the events in my country and the schisms that are being created in the name of healthcare and “keeping us safe.” I can see the nation is being badly mismanaged by a government that does not have New Zealand’s best interests at heart. What made […]
Ed’s note: While Newman portrays the Ukraine situation in simplistic “Ukraine good, Russia bad” terms, the thrust of this article overall is very relevant and astute. Get past the intro and its well worth reading. Martin LESSONS FOR NEW ZEALANDBy Dr Muriel Newman The shock invasion of the Ukraine serves […]
This government has done everything in their power to divide Maori and those of European descent (I refuse to refer to them as Pakeha), but the protests prove that such divisions have failed miserably. We are all New Zealanders. And I thank God for that. by Christie 5 March, 2022 It […]
Time to address the elephant in the room. I’m sure I’m not the only one who had some suspicions when the death of Cricket Legend Warne was announced. MH Introduction – March 4, 2022 Having passed away from a suspected heart attack at the relatively youthful age of 52, Shane […]
First march since the Wellington debacle, and Christchurch Freedom Camp remains strong! Having arrived pretty early, the author thought he’d spend some time at the publicly owned and funded Canterbury Museum just down the road from the camp. Wrong! Now why the fark should one require a Vaccine Pass to […]