The following item is from The Western Journal, a mainstream news source. I applaud TWJ’s and Jack Davis’s courage in publishing this article. Martin  By Jack Davis  September 20, 2021  The Western Journal With a prediction for very stormy weather ahead for the nation he loves, meteorologist Karl Bohnak signed off last […]

Credible witness, extraordinary whistleblower. Great find from Max Igan. Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services O’Looney’s direct Please mirror/share this video everywhere TheCrowhouse 69327 subscribers

Does this science fiction narrative look a teansy bit familiar…? Of course it’s “just Coincidence”, right? V(Fallen)-The Vax is designed to build a following that may actually hide a more malevolent agenda, ( One that twists a very deep component of human nature: devotion. R6 is a compound created by […]

Interview with Dr. Paul E. Alexander, PhD, expertise and teaching of epidemiology (clinical epidemiology), evidence-based medicine, and research methodology (former Assistant Professor at McMaster University in evidence-based medicine); former COVID Pandemic evidence-synthesis advisor to WHO-PAHO Washington, DC (2020) and former senior advisor to COVID Pandemic policy in Health and Human […]

Say the right things you too can be hanging out with the beautiful people in Telly Land new Celebrity chock competition Covid A Game of Charade where what you say is more important than what you do in this game of two faces. By BEN VIDGEN “The Dyslexic Detective” In […]

While President Joe Biden is using a legally questionable statute to enforce what is essentially a vaccine mandate on the American workforce, members of Congress, their staffs, and anyone who works in Congress will reportedly be exempt from the mandate. Chris EnloeThe BlazeSat, 11 Sep 2021 What is the background? […]

When asked about a “COVID-free” future in a recent interview, NZ Director-General of Health Ashley Bloomfield responded that COVID is now part of our future, we should see restrictions continue for “Three to five years”. So, 2025 or thereabouts? Bloomfield’s comment was, to me , just the latest in a […]

The moment our leaders announced they would get their jab “live” before cameras and audiences, suspicions arose. Real syringes filled with water or saline? Movie prop syringes? The usual “fact checkers” braced themselves for debunkery. Did they succeed? Let’s do some checking of our own! Here’s a typical recent article […]
