Deep medical fraud: logical insight cancels brain fog by Jon Rappoport June 28, 2017 In the course of an investigation, a clue can turn up that changes everything. It exposes massive falsehoods and fraud. But the meaning of the clue doesn’t always tap the investigator on the shoulder and reveal […]
Protests in various cities throughout Italy during the past week (June 2017). Image source. Brian Shilhavy Health Impact News Editor Readers from Italy have been contacting Health Impact News this past week, asking us to cover the massive demonstrations happening throughout Italy to protest a new mandatory vaccine law. This […]
From Pam Vernon: Brian Shilhavy Health Impact News Editor Readers from Italy have been contacting Health Impact News this past week, asking us to cover the massive demonstrations happening throughout Italy to protest a new mandatory vaccine law. This news has been censored from the U.S. corporate media. Francesca Alesse, […]
Is it time for compulsory vaccinations? OPINION: Somewhere between the leading edge of scientific discovery and the right of people to decide their own medical treatment lies the fate of thousands of defenceless children. For the last several hundred years, science and, most importantly, the medical profession have been peeling back […]
Sweden has banned mandatory vaccinations, citing “serious health concerns” and the fact they violate a citizen’s constitutional rights to choose their own healthcare. The Swedish Riksdag (parliament) rejected seven motions on May 10 that would have enshrined forced vaccinations into law, stating “It would violate our [Swedish Constitution] if we introduced […]
I only ever took the ‘flu vac. once, many moons ago, and make me sick for two weeks! (Normally takes a few days for me to get over the actual flu, I find raw lemon, ginger and honey juice works a treat. Credit to Snafu for the source.
This is disgusting. Australia has truly surrendered it’s freedom of choice: Thursday, May 18, 2017 by: Isabelle Z. Tags: Australia, Vaccine injuries, vaccines (Natural News) If you live in Australia and want to exercise your right not to vaccinate your kids, you’d better be prepared to pay for that […]
From Pam Vernon at Envirowatchrangetikei: 12-year-old bedridden, paralyzed after HPV vaccine-PLUS watch ‘The Truth About Vaccines’ screening now April 14, 2017 Pam Vernon The track record on this vaccine (Gardasil) just keeps getting worse. Please do watch the series screening right now called ‘The Truth About Vaccines’ at […]
Is Australia Becoming A Fascist State? RE: NEW AUSTRALIAN POLICE STATE: COMPULSORY VACCINATION The Australian ex banker and globalist PM Malcolm Turnbull has announced that he wants to stop all unvaccinated children from attending childcare centres and preschools across Australia. Our TV News here in New Zealand this morning showed […]