Check out IRIS seismic map and events list, including a major 7.9 magnitude ‘quake, and all at shallow depths. What is causing such prolific and highly localised activity?
The Royal Queen, who prays every year on television to her God who forbids murder? Who said in her last speech in 2017 “We think of our homes as places of warmth, familiarity and love…
Something I researched many years ago. Worth revisiting the subject. A great presentation on the mysterious Osirion: Judge for yourself.
Is Jim Carrey’s recent behaviour the “real’ Jim Carrey with a “real’ message, or just another act? Even if this is an act, then perhaps that is itself a message about public perception of what constitutes “reality”? How real is “Reality TV”? Judge for yourself:
Don’t miss this exciting, informative and alarming Dark Journalist episode!
Nigel Farage Freedom and Direct Democracy Group -Speaking truth about the Zionist Agenda !
“All the signs were there” according to Dutchsinse: Here’s some videos: Dirty money tied to George Soros and Hillary Clinton was used to pay women to falsely accuse President Trump of sexual harassment, according to a bombshell New Year’s Day report in the New York Times.
New video shows something strange surrounding a recent satellite launch! #SeekingTheTruth Published on Dec 27, 2017 The US government has been forced to admit that millions of Americans have been poisoned by vaccines, in an unusually honest post on the CDC website.