Climate alarmists are celebrating the 33 years that have passed since the June 23, 1988 Democratic Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources hearing that opened the door on global warming climate alarmism with testimony from Committee Democratic Senators and supposed “experts” sharing their speculation of sensationalized doomsday perspectives allegedly caused by increasing […]

I wish that heading was a joke. It isn’t. by Martin Harris 9/4/21 What a bizarre, almost Monty-Pythonesque week it has been. The grand announcement here in Southern Hemisphere that the Aussie-NZ COVID “travel bubble” is imminent met with a wave of euphoria, tinged with a hint of confusion as […]

19-year-old German YouTuber Naomi Seibt is being dubbed the “anti-Greta.” A US think tank with ties to the Trump administration has tapped Naomi Seibt, 19, who touts “climate realism” over “climate alarmism,” to represent its views, according to the Washington Post. “Naomi Seibt vs. Greta Thunberg: whom should we trust?” the […]

The Madness of Prince Charles. Talk about hypocrisy! Prince Charles was last night facing embarrassment after taking a series of private jet flights while lecturing world leaders about climate change. On a trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos last week, the Prince met activist Greta Thunberg and used […]

Despite alarmist claims of “catastrophic global warming”, there is no empirical evidence to confirm that or any acceleration in global sea level rise. Notwithstanding this lack of evidence many people, often those with vested interests, still cling to the alarmist beliefs that catastrophic sea level rise is imminent. Dr. John […]
