(Natural News) Once again, the independent media called this out well in advance, warning that President Trump was walking right into a trap by promoting Covid vaccines and taking credit for rolling them out so quickly via Operation Warp Speed. Thursday, August 25, 2022 by: Mike AdamsThis article may contain statements that […]

Any attempts to question mainstream explanations about controversial events, which have been handed down from official government sources, are immediately attacked by most society members? March 9, 2021 NoFakeNews If you were to suggest other gunmen were involved in the murder of President John F. Kennedy, the people listening to […]

Brilliant work from the supercharged mind of Ben Vidgen! 5G is not responsible for Covid 19. Nature and Man is all Hidden Figures – a numbers Game. An idea that 5G pop up don’t match the major cluster which exceed the areas where 5G has popped up.On the surface a […]

A curious thing is happening of late across the interwebs, a social phenomenon as prolific as the cinnamon challenge – some people seem to be coming to their senses. Specifically I mean some vegans, and by coming to their senses, I mean they’re leaving veganism. More and more video confessionals […]

A study claims that up to a quarter of the French population not only believe in a conspiracy of “elites” but also think those same elites are using mass migration to replace European populations. Chris Tomlinson – Breibart.com Feb 7, 2019 The study, released by Jean-Jaurès Foundation and Conspiracy Watch, is […]

California kindergartners could soon learn all about the “gender stereotypes” plaguing society, the importance of accepting transgender lifestyles, a kaleidoscope of 15 different genders to choose from, and other “health guidelines.” Victor SkinnerEAGNEWS.orgFri, 18 Jan 2019 17:34 UTC California kindergartners could soon learn all about the “gender stereotypes” plaguing society, […]
