Brilliant work from the supercharged mind of Ben Vidgen! 5G is not responsible for Covid 19. Nature and Man is all Hidden Figures – a numbers Game. An idea that 5G pop up don’t match the major cluster which exceed the areas where 5G has popped up.On the surface a […]

Uncensored has recently highlighted Tedros’s role in the COVID19 debacle. Now the US administration is pulling it’s substantial aid from this puppet organisation. What can YOU do to help? Now’s your chance to act and make your voice count: On January 23rd, 2020. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declines to declare China […]

Wondering how Sweden is doing compared to “lockdown” nations? Here’s an interesting study! Martin’s note: While perusing the data in the following study it’s important to bear in mind there are many other considerations: General health, lifestyle, population density, the UK’s lateness in taking action compared to Sweden etc. Nevertheless, […]

DARPA, Biowarfare, COVID-19 and more: The latest communication from Jeff Wefferson: “. . . As long ago as 1962, forty scientists were employed at the U.S. Army biological warfare laboratories on full-time genetics research. ‘Many others,’ it was said, ‘appreciate the implications of genetics for their own work.’ The […]

With the combination of ideological malcontents not allowing any crisis to go to waste, and the goodies always being hidden for release at times of major-distraction sporting events or on the eve of weekends, or holiday periods, the flood is seeping forth. by G Squared 11/4/20 Bioethicist and Oncologist (a […]

MN Sen. and Dr. Jensen said that he received a 7 page document from the MN Department of Health advising him to fill out death certificates with a diagnosis of #COVID-19 whether the person actually died from COVID-19 or not. Can we trust the death numbers we’ve been seeing? […]

All across the world, starting with China, the COVID-19 pandemic has allowed for the proliferation of the surveillance state. By Tyler Durden More than 100 rights groups are warning that governments and corporations are partnering as a collaborative force to employ big data and increase widespread surveillance that threatens freedoms […]

Wise move, Japan: Other nations take note! MH Isabel ReynoldsBloombergWed, 08 Apr 2020 09:26 UTC © AFPJapan Japan has earmarked US$2.2 billion of its record economic stimulus package to help its manufacturers shift production out of China as the coronavirus disrupts supply chains between the major trading partners. The extra […]
