In 1979 scientist Eric Spurr warned that wide scale poisoning of New Zealand with compound 1080, intended to kill introduced mammals, was actually killing kea and many other animals. It took decades before NZ’s Department of Conservation (DoC) finally began to monitor kea deaths from 1080 poisoning. Dr Jo Pollard, […]

After watching a propaganda-piece on TV One this evening featuring the Tesla EV luxury cars, I felt it to be about time for a reminder: According to physics professor Christoph Buchal, electric cars increase CO2 emissions in Germany rather than reduce them. As soon as the CO2 emissions in the production of the […]

“I think that the cetaceans are using their highly advanced ‘internal technologies’ of group-telepathy and holographic consciousness-transmission to beam their love and message into the human psyche, now more than ever…Within their collective psyche they may have memories and knowledge of the history of Earth and humanity that we are unable and/or […]

As we get whale strandings in Northern Australia and earthquake lights over Philippines (same longitude as the Artemis /Elon Musk Olympic Defender satellite which pass over whales Scotland northern Europe arctic circle) were getting strandings in west Ireland, Norway. Different sky same satellite orbit as Starlink and both have powerful radar and are in areas of […]

“Twas Covid, sheeple CNN’d, did quake and tremble in the fright; Sir Veillance o’er all Wuhan ruled with 5G satellite. Demics from the lairs of Pan, a global virus mean!How do I know? Bill Gates said so, he’s got a fine vaccine! ‘If you feel unwell’, he said, ‘trust me, I’m not insane…We’ve […]
