Trump has never been one to back down, nor to be silenced. Despite the totalitarian social media bans, Trump will find a way. But the available tech has a sinister side. As you are all aware, the almighty lords of social media have attempted to silence Trump. The Technocratic Tyranny […]
The State of Texas, just hours ago (at time of writing) within The Safe Harbour Deadline filed suit in SCOTUS against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin; advising that those states unconstitutionally changed election laws, treated voters unequally, and caused voting irregularities by changing ballot integrity. As reported by G Squared The […]
A UK-based travel firm has polarized social media after announcing that it will no longer be doing business with Qantas Airways due to the airline’s decision to require Covid-19 jabs for all international passengers. RTTue, 24 Nov 2020 Tradewinds Travel, an independent tour operator, posted a statement on its website explaining that […]
There are a lot of things to be concerned about if Joe Biden were to win the presidency. By Nick Arama | Nov 06, 2020 There are a lot of things to be concerned about if Joe Biden were to win the presidency. Among the things, as we saw in the lead […]
These days, going out without wearing a face mask is considered poor form – and, in some places, an offense. But the mayor of an Italian town says fines should be slapped on those wearing a mask in an “inappropriate” situation. RTSat, 05 Sep 2020 In the same way global […]
Facial recognition is suffering hard times due to face masks, but it is only a matter of time before algorithms are developed that add in whole body features, including heartbeat, gait, size, etc. ⁃ Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood By: Alfred Ng vai CNET Many facial recognition companies have claimed […]
It is now pretty much common knowledge that everything we do online and on our smartphones is being tracked and cataloged by various government agencies and international corporations; but there are a lot of people who take comfort in the fact that their information is being stored with trusted entities, […]
A sample of COVID lockdown protest signs and graffiti from around Christchurch recently. I was amused to see several news agencies reporting with horror at the awful “conspiracy” graffiti “defacing” central Christchurch, especially by the Bridge Of Remembrance war memorial and right outside the council offices. It’ pertinent to note […]
Dr. Marc Siegel, a regular contributor at Fox News, is back in the news again for making outlandish suggestions concerning mandatory vaccinations. Ethan Huff – Natural News Aug 12, 2020 Siegel reportedly told Tucker Carlson the other day that children who do not get vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) should wear a […]