One of the truly great speakers and debaters at his best. Should the government dictate how we address Gender pronouns? Should we address people according to their personal preference? Peterson addresses a linguistics professor’s dilemma. Social Justice Fails Published on Jun 28, 2018 Jordan Peterson Q&A At Lafayette College On Various Topics Such As Systematic […]
How does the West get away with its pretense of being an alliance of great democracies in which government is the servant of the people? Paul Craig Roberts Nowhere in the West, except possibly Hungary and Austria, does government serve the people. Who do the Western governments serve? Washington serves […]
Some anonymous coward has dobbed in a well known TV personality for speaking his mind. Yet, every day in the media, we have far more serious blasphemies and affronts to human decency going on without anyone batting an eyelid. I’m a Christian, and I could easily counter and debate Fry’s […]
Provocateurs and police terror at the G20 summit in Toronto This video has been featured as the “website of the day” on Counterpunch. 1500 views in two days, so I think it has viral potential. That would certainly be a good thing since a poll just came out claiming […]
The Corbett Report is pleased to announce the release of the latest episode of the podcast which is now available for download from the homepage: Episode 083 Food World Order Farm-to-fork fascism, electronic identification for animals and failing GM corn in Africa is just the tip of the pyramid […]
Wasn’t this invasion of Afghanistan initially officially started because of 9/11? How many people does it take to find Osama bin Laden? Yahoo News The administration’s goal of a 400,000-strong Afghan security force is more than three times the size that U.S. officials believed would be adequate for Afghanistan in […]