You can’t make this stuff up. I’m sure we’ve all heard “Just following orders” before somewhere. Like Nuremberg. In fact, there are an awful lot of folk “just following orders” right now. People and organisations that ought to know better. Martin When Syd Fizzard paid a visit to the Canadian […]

Force is a tool used by those who lack power. When your motives go against the good of humanity, when your intentions fail to support life itself, your only option is to use force. Force includes all manner of fear-mongering, manipulation, coercion and violence. Force may work up to a […]

Upper Hut City Council is not playing along in this “Traffic Light System” game: they have opened everything up for everyone (except one arts centre). Chris Hipkins’ response? “it was up to each council to decide its own policy.” This means that this is not law – it is quite […]

Why creating two classes of citizens is a GREAT idea! Mandates that create a lower class a citizen helps protect people from others who are worse than them. AwakenWithJP2.1M subscribers Grab your Magnesium Breakthrough at Use Code “JP2021” For a Deal Check Out My Merch Here – Take […]

I can tell you right here and now about the effect this putrid and revolting discrimination is having on young persons. Please sign and fight the evil that has taken hold of our society! Martin. Rebecca Lawrence started this petition to Jacinda Ardern Children as young as 12 are now being excluded […]

This level of protest is unheard of in New Zealand history. Our children’s children will learn about the Freedoms and Rights Marches of 2021-2022 and how thousands of citizens protested the unpopular mandates imposed by the Ardern-led Labour government, attempting to introduce a technocratic, separatist, New World Order under the […]
