“The good die young, and Robert Mugabe will live forever.” The well-worn phrase no longer applies to the Zimbabwean strongman. On September 6, he died in Singapore at the age of ninety-five. John Campbell – Council on Foreign Relations Sept 6, 2019 2019 The man who “liberated” Zimbabwe and proceeded […]
There are deep hidden intel elements in The US that ‘protect’ The Presidency not The President. And there are elements that ‘protect’ The Monarchy. Some thought will deliver answers for the past. By G Squared The delightful Miss. M sucks air, because she is a total shit to Mr.Hewitt. Who […]
“Record wildfires in the Amazon” shrieks the press, and apparently it is Brazilian President Bolsonaro who is to blame, and not global warming (though there is not much difference. Surprised they did not blame it on Trump as well). By Paul Homewood I’ve only been gone a couple of days, […]
Must Read! From Vicky Davis at The Technocratic Tyranny, with my humble thanks. Superb research and detail. MH Rise of the Socialist International Posted By: Vicky Davis The difference between a conspiracy theory and a conspiracy fact is to be able to prove what is being said by providing the […]
zugzwang[ tsook-tsvahng ]noun Chess. a situation in which a player is limited to moves that cost pieces or have a damaging positional effect. by Martin Harris 3/8/19 An extraordinary situation is taking place in Hong Kong. Handed back to China in 1997 after many years of British Colonial rule, Hong […]
IS “666” Kushner’s Deal Of the Century a big deal or no deal? Alastair CrookeStrategic CultureTue, 25 Jun 2019 20:46 UTC It is nothing new to say that the ‘Deal of the Century’ is – and always was – in essence an economic project. Indeed, it seems that its political […]
Since the initial rally on June 9 protestors in Hong Kong have kept the pressure on Posted 17 June 201911:33 GMT Written byOiwan Lam Global Voices Despite Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam’s promise to suspend the legislation of the extradition (amendment) bill on June 15 after a series of clashes […]
The dominos are falling. At least the potential health risks of 5G are being taken seriously; and underlying that issue is the Global mass surveillance/Social Credit agenda. Time to put the brakes on and start asking questions indeed! MH Julian RosePoland June 10, 2019 By Julian Rose In what is […]
Have the protestors won? Sure seems that way, but there’s always room for suspicion. This victory was almost too easy! The Guardian June 15, 2019 Hong Kong’s leader, Carrie Lam, has suspended indefinitely efforts to pass a controversial new extradition law, after a week of mass protests and street violence […]
Strap yourselves in for some dynamite controversial opinion and comment from G Squared! In 507AD a 115ft. statue of Gautama Buddha was carved from rock in Bamiyan, Afghanistan. In 554 AD a 174 ft. statue was carved next to the first. Both received UNESCO World Heritage Listing. They attracted considerable tourist […]