A lunatic running the asylum…. Lee BrownNew York PostThu, 10 Jun 2021 A white New York City psychoanalyst is under fire after publishing a report decrying his skin color as a “malignant, parasitic like condition” without a “permanent cure.” Dr. Donald Moss — a published author who teaches at the […]
Hidden Agenda 2030
Thousands of England fans BOOED team for taking knee before Euro 2020 warm-up with Austria leaving BBC pundits stunned – as supporters fume over ‘politicising’ of beautiful game England players took the knee before their friendly victory over Austria But supporters booed the gesture at the Riverside Stadium on Wednesday […]
‘They have little concern for rebuilding black families’ Emily CraneThe Daily MailTue, 01 Jun 2021 A former Black Lives Matter leader in Minnesota who quit after 18 months says he learned the ‘ugly truth’ about the organization’s stance on family and education after working on the inside. Rashad Turner, who […]
THIS STORY NEEDS TO BE MAKING HEAD-LINE NEWS AROUND THE WORLD ..this is beyond David and Goliath and beyond Lord of the Rings…this is REALITY being battled for at this very moment. Here is part of a blog post I am working on this very hour. It’s not yet finished […]
Frog legs rolled in worm flour could be the next culinary delight for European haute cuisine after the European Union gave its blessing for the first time for an insect food. Aoife White – Anti-Empire June 1, 2021 Dried yellow mealworm can now be sold across the 27-nation bloc after a Monday decision from […]
Unbelievable! Make sure you see 55 seconds in as he walks up to a TV in an establishment without his cellphone and it senses a sensor and trips the TV to connect to him! Everywhere he goes, he keeps getting a Bluetooth notification. (Pam at EWR) From markcrispinmiller.com Be sure […]
Render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and unto God what belongs to God. The quote, attributed to Jesus, was more explosive than those New Testament readers unfamiliar with the 1st century AD political situation in Palestine may understand. You see, what the Jews had under Roman rule was actually […]
This isn’t a joke. Check out the clips in the link below. Still sure you want a COVID jab, anyone? See update debunking the “fact checkers” below. MagnetGate: Magnets Stick To mRNA Injection Sites by Tim Truth (bitchute.com) If you know anyone who has taken the vaccine get them to […]
SOCIALISTS ARE FOND OF SAYING THAT SOCIALISMhas never failed because it has never been tried. But in truth, socialismhas failed in every country in which it has been tried, from the SovietUnion beginning a century ago to three modern countries that tried butultimately rejected socialism—Israel, India, and the United Kingdom… […]
The ultimate aim of the social engineers and the end game of the trans-humanist agenda is to completely invert natural biological life and to create a new synthetic type of Human (human 2.0) which is more mechanical, mindless, homogenous, predictable and obedient. This is achieved through a number of means, […]