‘Next step, sanctions please By Stuart Littlewood on December 25, 2016 Law-breaking, resolution-busting Israel in a sulk after being told to play by the rules. by Stuart Littlewood Nothing could have been more calculated to ruin Hanukka for the Israeli High Command and bring Christmas cheer to the Palestinian Christians […]


Watch this movie. On at the Auckland film festival https://www.nzff.co.nz/default.aspx?id=8791&region=2 Still tickets available for the last two shows. … ooooh but hurry. ========================= The official ‘redband’ trailer for American The Bill Hicks Story www.americanthemovie.com This groundbreaking new documentary uses a stunning new animation technique to tell the story of the modern cultural […]


Cutting Edge News Israel appears to gird for war as its defense establishment prepares the greatest military exercise in the history of the Jewish state. This exercise is expected to take place on June 2 and will involve testing the U.S.-Israeli developed missile defense system “Arrow” intended to deter missile […]


To see the video go to the BBC site here. Diplomats have walked out of a UN anti-racism conference during a speech by the Iranian president in which he described Israel as “totally racist”. Dozens of delegates got up and left, moments after two protesters wearing coloured wigs disrupted the […]


BBC UN human rights investigators have questioned the legality of Israel’s Gaza offensive in a wide-ranging report to the UN Human Rights Council. One investigator, Richard Falk, asked how a military assault with modern weapons could have been made “against an essentially defenceless society”. The report found civilians appeared to […]

Sources: sott.net By Khalid Amayreh This week, Israel sank in an avalanche of national lethargy, hypocrisy and self-righteousness. Seeking to cope with Hezbullah’s success in getting Israel to release all Lebanese prisoners, dead and living, in exchange for the remains of two Israeli soldiers, Israeli leaders, media and shapers of […]

The Mossad agents said they were employees of Zapata Engineering, which helps the CIA Conduct Interrogations, and also manages US AMMO DUMPS and US MOTOR POOLS in Iraq. Do we NEED MORE PROOF??? Video: https://judicial-inc.biz/Israeli_sniper_8_Hi_quality.WMV https://www.rense.com/general74/ssno.htm This: https://www.blacklistednews.com/view.asp?ID=1263
