Tucker Carlson absolutely dismantled an Australian journalist while taking questions at the sold-out Australian Freedom Conference in Canberra, as part of his Australian tour. by Tyler Durden This is just embarrassing… After discussing a wide range of topics – including the release of Julian Assange, woke corporations, and corrupt pharmaceutical companies (watch here), […]

Now it’s conspiracy — they’ve made that something that should not even be entertained for a minute, that powerful people might get together and have a plan. Doesn’t happen. You’re a kook! You’re a conspiracy buff!” — George Carlin “I don’t believe in conspiracy theories, except the ones that are true […]

Sage experts admit they got doom-laden forecast on Omicron wrong Victoria Allen and Xantha Leatham and Shaun Wooller For The Daily Mail Sage scientists have admitted their dire predictions of soaring Covid hospitalisations have ‘not been seen’ – as it was revealed that almost two-thirds of London patients with the virus were admitted […]
