The Chinese government continues its Orwellian practices with the announcement that citizens will have to use facial recognition technology to access the internet (which is already highly fire-walled.) By Aaron Kesel This is all a part of China’s social credit system that will take effect on Dec. 1st. After the […]
Mass Surveillance
A network of “shared access” surveillance cameras with facial recognition capability is on the way amid well-founded privacy concerns. Here comes the Police State: Big Brother is watching you, and so are all his mates! From Radio New Zealand: .”..Any new cameras installed in Auckland will have automated processing abilities, […]
The vast majority of Americans have no idea of Big Tech’s massive drive to make digital slaves out of every urban dweller. Smart street lights will often be at the heart of data collection and coordination. ⁃ TN Editor Posted By: Laura Valkovic June 9, 2019 Such a benign and […]
Big Brother isn’t just watching you; he’s watching your kids. Coming to your local schools soon! By Mac Slavo We are staring our Orwellian future right in the face. Beginning in New York, facial recognition is coming to schools in the United States and it’ll be switched on for testing […]
It was only a matter of time before Social Credit, the ultimate Police State control tool, crept out from China into the wider world via the Belt and Road and 5G: POSTED BY: JOSHUA PHILLIP TN has warned that China intends to aggressively export its draconian social control system. It has […]
Can you imagine a city in the United States secretly creating a Chinese-style public surveillance network that can identify everyone? Can you imagine that same city secretly creating a Chinese-style public watchlisting network? Well imagine no more because it has already happened. By MassPrivateI When I wrote about “covert facial […]
Received From Tom Dickey as a comment on a related postBut it will get more views as a separate item. Thanks Tom! And please, support this guys: The House of Representatives recently passed a watered-down version of the “USA Freedom Act” – originally intended to curb abuses related to NSA […]
In 1932, Aldous Huxley foresaw a Scientific Dictatorship in his book, Brave New World. In 2019, Huxley’s dystopian future is appearing right before our eyes, but few recognize it. ⁃ TN Editor By Patrick Wood People who have a modern smartphone normally think of 5G as nothing more than a progression […]
According to a recently published white paper there is a worldwide effort to restrict the right to travel of everyone. And you will not believe how the U.N. is involved. By MassPrivateI A recent article at warns that the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) wants to check […]