Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, he has expertise in the interpretation of data Guy Hatchard Also by Guy Hatchard: Risk of Myocarditis Following mRNA Vaccination Higher than Risk from COVID Infection A definitive preprint study of 25 December 2021 analysing data from 42,000,000 cases […]

When will this madness end? How many “rare” adverse reactions does there need to be BEFORE EVERYONE WAKES THE HELL UP!? Shared at The Freedoms and Rights Coalition Facebook page:a comment from Rory’s fiancée Ashleigh following the rally in Wellington on December 16 2021, and a copy of the Coroner’s report. Reported […]

Sometime during October last year, Grant Robertson allegedly signed a negotiated contract with Pfizer for vaccine supply. The content of this contract remains secret and the government has refused to release its terms after OIA requests. However, some Pfizer vaccine supply contracts from other countries have been leaked. Guy David […]

Some noteworthy excerpts from the HRC document on NZ’s COVID-19 response initiatives. The discerning reader will note a number of issues on which the NZ Government should be brought to account, especially regarding the use and misuse of Vaccine Certificates and the “Traffic Light Scheme”. All emphasis and highlighting is […]
