A change of venue with spectacular results. Thousands of protestors bring the busiest roads in Christchurch to a halt, and the motorists cheered us on! While a hoped-for march through the inside of the mall was prevented by security and police, we complied peacefully. It made little difference. The most […]

Upper Hut City Council is not playing along in this “Traffic Light System” game: they have opened everything up for everyone (except one arts centre). Chris Hipkins’ response? “it was up to each council to decide its own policy.” This means that this is not law – it is quite […]

Confirming Saturday’s Christchurch event. Check FB for own local actions. More info on Wellington March to the Beehive 16th, December to follow. Again check FARC FB page for primary info. Lets see those huge crowds again: Last week’s attendance was breathtaking both in numbers and diversity! See for yourself: Remember […]

I can tell you right here and now about the effect this putrid and revolting discrimination is having on young persons. Please sign and fight the evil that has taken hold of our society! Martin. Rebecca Lawrence started this petition to Jacinda Ardern Children as young as 12 are now being excluded […]

Borne out of my frustration from not being heard, I published the following open letter to Jacinda Ardern on my Facebook page. Annabelle via the BFD Online and by email, I have asked MOH and Unite Against COVID 19 questions but have not received answers regarding reporting on deaths and […]

Document released by Pfizer apparently as a result of a Freedom Of Information court order in the USA reveals a vast array of previously unknown vaccine adverse effects compiled from official sources around the world.Pfizer concedes this is ‘a large increase’ in adverse event reports and that even this huge […]

This level of protest is unheard of in New Zealand history. Our children’s children will learn about the Freedoms and Rights Marches of 2021-2022 and how thousands of citizens protested the unpopular mandates imposed by the Ardern-led Labour government, attempting to introduce a technocratic, separatist, New World Order under the […]

Copy, share, use. Let whatever local business or facility that signs up to this technocratic separatism and discrimination know what you think. Give them your own Traffic Light. Red for STOP. Found on Twitter while researching other things, so kudos to whoever created this masterpiece. If it was you, let […]
