Now is the time to make a peaceful stand for Freedom Scroll below to find a venue near you! Thanks to Mr. Wolfe at the for the info.
New Zealand
A Perfect Storm is brewing. The End of Life Choice Act will come into force in New Zealand From Sunday 7th November, New Zealanders will be able to start requesting to have their lives ended by assisted suicide or euthanasia. Simultaneously, a “No jab no Job” policy is creeping into […]
It is widely recognised that the recent vaccine mandates go against s.11 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 providing citizens with the right to refuse medical treatment. Ananish ChaudhuriSimon Thornley University of Auckland via theBFD However, it is also clear that the right may be circumscribed in extenuating […]
Most Uncensored readers I am sure are resolutely Anti-Vax in all respects. Which is fine and an informed choice everyone should be entitled to make without prejudice. Some though, are specifically opposed to the mRNA jab. What are the options? The question I get asked most is “what about the […]
” US President Ronald Reagan’s famous expression, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help” used to bring a chuckle from New Zealanders, who traditionally regarded ‘The Government’ as benign. Not any more.” COVID WINSBy Dr Muriel Newman US […]
Today I contacted the Human Rights Commission in response to the government’s CO-ronavirusV-accine-ID certificate rollout announcement. Their website information seems somewhat out of date. Martin Harris 5/10/21 My Email to HRC: Hi guys Time you updated the info on your page: Human Rights Commission :: Covid-19 vaccine and human rights […]
Dear NZ Government, I reject this Amendment Bill as well as the original Health Response Bill No.1. In particular I reject all aspects of it related to the COVID-19 vaccine. Any continued roll out of the current mass vaccine programme, especially the continuation and increasing powers of vaccine mandates through […]
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Freedom is a thing of the past. That is the message essentially being given by Ashley Bloomfield to New Zealanders as related in a Mainstream News item today. Pool photo: Hagen Hopkins The “old normal” is gone forever. Level One has now become a “Level 1.5” with increased masking, contact […]