4June   by Jon Rappoport Who’s destroying England? London attacks and the war against Brexit NOTE: Watch Paul Watson’s shocking video, The Truth about ‘Refugees’ by Jon Rappoport June 4, 2017 “Here’s a great idea, boys. Gather around. We’re going to build, on top of every national government on the […]

Comment: Hillary Clinton is returning to public life. But if she wants to help Democrats, she should tread carefully. With the Democrats still trying to figure out who’s going to lead them, Hillary Clinton’s reemergence on the political scene is attracting a lot of attention. But while her recent appearances […]

Found this interesting as I’ve always been sceptical of the whole “we found his passport at the scene” routine, for obvious reasons. I’ll let the article do the talking: By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, May 27, 2017 This article reviews the “mysterious” phenomenon of IDs and Passports of terror […]

May25 by Jon Rappoport Peace through mutual blackmail: is that what’s happening in Washington? by Jon Rappoport May 25, 2017 In the last few days, the campaign to impeach Donald Trump has quieted down. We’ll see what happens; but is this breathing space and pause the result of a stalemate? […]
