All too often at Uncensored we receive communications from people who are fed up with the way things are going socially, politically and economically, and need a platform to share their views on the state of the nation. It is easy to complain (as I do on a daily basis!) […]
There’s nothing like a good science fiction story. My favourites usually have a near-future dystopian theme. Many of those have a common narrative. Good science fiction often comes very close to predicting the future or mirroring current events in a fictional setting. Editors comment by Martin Harris 29/11/22 Society is […]
Help stop our liquid assets being sold down the river! Two items raising the alarm over NZ Government’s desperate attempts to “ram through” the overwhelmingly unpopular Three Waters reforms. There are petitions to be signed. If you oppose Three waters (and I suspect the majority do) then now is the […]
They can’t buy the truth but they can bury it New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with via the BFD Medicines regulator MedSAFE NZ still says on it’s website: “The protective benefits of vaccination against COVID-19 far outweigh the potential risks of vaccination.“ Of course, we still maintain that the vaccine harms are hundreds of times […]
After years of denial, DOC admits to significant Kea deaths caused by the controversial use of 1080 poison. But while DOC claims the poison is a necessary evil, the truth is that it is simply evil. 1/11/22 According to a Newshub report 28/10/22: Arthur’s Pass Village has an exclusion zone […]
This is a tragedy in the making. The total collapse of New Zealand’s education system. A deliberate assassination couldn’t do a better hit job. But all in all, it’s just another Brick in The Wall… 27/10/22 Just 2 per cent of decile 1 students passed the writing component of new […]
While we are all on an Ardern hate-fest (with good reason) here’s a little reminder that what came prior wasn’t so wonderful either. Former PM John Key is still a White Monkey as the following article demonstrates. MH Former Prime Minister Sir John Key has dolloped praise on China in […]
A report produced by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (“NZDSOS”) on the Coroner’s Amendment Bill has brought up serious questions about investigations into deaths in New Zealand. from The Expose A deceased person is usually referred to a Coroner when a medical doctor is not able to write a death certificate […]
“The world is watching” says the Labour government. And indeed, they are, as this RT article demonstrates. They are watching with tears of laughter streaming down their faces. What an embarrassment our clown-world government is. MH RTTue, 11 Oct 2022 The eco-friendly tax scheme faces opposition from local farmers groups […]
Mainstream Media corruption, Police dirty tactics, it’s all here. Thanks to Liz Gunn of FreeNZ Liz Gunn speaks with Brenton Faithfull, a funeral director and a Justice of the Peace, about his experiences over the last year in New Zealand. FreeNZ on—BrentonFaithfull:5 SOURCE: ClareSwinney