Why won’t environmentalists admit how great things are? By Lushington D. Brady In an episode of their series Bullshit, magician-sceptics Penn and Teller make a confession of sorts: they show a photo of themselves at the first Earth Day in 1970. Back then, they say, they genuinely believed there was an environmental crisis […]
Earlier this month Elon Musk, the CEO-founder and Chief Engineer at SpaceX – and CEO and Product Architect of Tesla – made a full takeover offer to buy the social media giant Twitter after having purchased 9.2 per cent just weeks before. Dr Muriel Newmannzcpr.com In a letter to Twitter’s […]
When Ashley Bloomfield and two other top Ministry of Health executives all resigned on the same day, a great many people wondered why that was. Well, now the truth bombs are starting to drop. by Cam Slater, the BFD It seems the most open and transparent government ever has been trying […]
How precious of the mainstream news media to lecture us about the dangers of disinformation and misinformation when their whole modus operandi is along exactly those lines. I remember when reading the daily newspaper was a pleasure and I’d look forward to it in work breaks, often getting something of […]
There are some great women in this world. Courageous, compassionate, strong and inspirational women who deserve to be upheld as leaders. Then there’s this lot. I think we need to examine our standards. I hear a lot from certain quarters about wicked men. Usually white men in expensive suits who […]
– Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix by Caitlin Johnson via https://nexusnewsfeed.com/ ❖ The most powerful empire that has ever existed, which is circling the planet with hundreds of military bases and continuously works to destroy any nation who challenges its global dominion, claims that it is in […]
President Barack Obama has sent out a tweet in support of his former vice president amid reports of tension between the pair during an “awkward” White House event held on Tuesday. Sky News Australia Every now and then they bring the puppeteer out from behind the curtain. Just reminds us […]
If this were anyone else, there’d probably be an arrest warrant imminent. MH Forbes Breaking News1.26M subscribers On the Senate floor, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) displayed alleged business records of Hunter Biden.
I’ll bet Wellingtonians never felt so alive and healthy. The MSM and the government are horrified however, and wish to reassure the sheeple that their docility will be restored as soon as possible 😉 Dentists ‘shocked and appalled’ Wellington water unfluoridated for 10 months The lack of fluoride in Wellington’s […]
What a funny old time it is to be alive right now. More and more people are awakening to the truth as reality unfolds before their eyes. Voices for Freedomvoicesforfreedom.co.nz People are seeing that the promises made regarding the safety and efficacy of the vaccine have been based on false […]