Here’s some Health Ministers who don’t exactly fit the picture! by Martin Harris While I’m not inclined to judge folk by their shape, size, or any other physical measure, the last time my youngsters went for a checkup, my daughter was judged by the nurse to be “underweight” and my […]
After insisting for weeks that leaving one’s home or gathering in groups of any size was “irresponsible” and a “slap in the face” to medical professionals, doctors and nurses completely changed their minds. Ryan McMakenIntellectual TakeoutMon, 13 Jul 2020 The prohibitionist view toward gatherings was specifically applied to those who protested […]
New Zealand appears to be under serious cyber attack: multiple attacks as these news links below demonstrate. by Ben Vidgen, Bens World……/cyber-crime-team-investigates-pot……/calls-grow-for-government-action-……/appliance-repairer-in-the-dark-af… It comes weeks after Russian IT expert Alexander Vinnik was arrested in Greece on an extradition order from the United States. Prosecutors alleged Vinnik […]
Joe Biden’s statements on the campaign trail continue to raise serious concerns about his stance on basic human rights for all. MICAIAH BILGER JUL 14, 2020 From calling the killing of unborn babies in abortions a “right,” to refusing to condemn China’s oppressive one-child policy, the Democrat presidential candidate has shown […]
BLM’s Footsoldiers May Be Stupid and Ignorant, but Their Leaders Aren’t. By Lushington D. Brady -July 9, 2020 The political use of terror is intended to win, as its name suggests, by terrorising its target. Fundamentally, terrorism aims to create disorder and demoralise a society, weakening its resistance. When inflicted by powerful groups, the […]
London-based artist Andrew Thorpe recently installed an “artwork” in Takaka that read “white silence is compliance” in bold black and white font. The residents rubbed out the word “white.” Good on them. What a hateful thing to paint. By Jo Blogs, Red Sky In The Morning And I wouldn’t call that “art.” […]
…At Taxpayer’s expense! Clearly one of many examples of “See what happens when you don’t do as your told?” currently being staged by the democrats that will be exposed a week or two before elections in a last-ditch effort to get back into the White House. Absolutely pathetic the lengths […]
Isn’t this just typical? All the toppled statues of crooked and allegedly-crooked personages in recent weeks, and a statue of Lenin is Ok? I remember a time not so long ago when it was statues of oppressive and murderous Communists being toppled. When do we get statues of Stalin raised […]
Viruses don’t discriminate based on politics, but many Democrat governors and mayors sure seem to do so. Boris EpshteynNewsweekFri, 12 Jun 2020 Democratic leaders’ sudden about-face in response to the protests, rioting and looting that have followed the tragic killing of George Floyd proves that their earlier condescending condemnations of […]
Are you sitting comfortably children? Then let’s begin. by Martin Harris 14/6/20 A long time ago, in the early 1980’s there was a little country called New Zealand. Up until the early years of that decade, NZ had been a rather secluded and tranquil place, famous for it’s sheep, spectacular […]