A local Sydney council bowed to pressure from the Chinese Government and banned an Australian-owned media company from sponsoring an event because it was critical of the Communist Party. Four Corners By Nick McKenzie, Sashka Koloff, Mary Fallon A joint investigation by Four Corners, The Age and the Sydney Morning […]
VIPS warn that Trump’s policies regarding Venezuela appear to be on a slippery slope that could take us toward war in Venezuela and military confrontation with Russia. MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJECT: Avoiding War with Russia over Venezuela Mr. President: Your Administration’s policies […]
Visiting the US-Mexico border in Calexico, California, President Donald Trump declared America “full” and repeated that illegal crossings constituted an emergency, vowing to send more troops to the border and build the wall. RTSat, 06 Apr 2019 19:58 UTC Trump argued that many migrants crossing the border illegally are making […]
In the wake of the Christchurch mosque attack, we come to find out that New Zealand has removed references to Jesus from the parliamentary prayer, sparking outrage among the country’s Christian population. Speaker of the House, Trevor Mallard, made the decision to drop references to Jesus in order to make […]
Could be just the beginning of many revelations: Remember the letter at GHW’s funeral? Are the floodgates about to open or is this just a storm in a teacup? Tyler DurdenZero HedgeFri, 15 Mar 2019 16:16 UTC © Associated Press/FileSaddam Hussein waves to supporters in Baghdad, Wednesday, October 18, 1995. […]
Trump is cleared, but of course the Dems are going to “investigate the investigation”..sigh…Here’s the Beeb with the MSM story: President Trump’s campaign did not conspire with Russia during the 2016 election, according to a summary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report submitted to Congress on Sunday. The report summary […]
You’ll never see AOC the same way again: A fantastic piece of investigative journalism, please watch and share and give your views and thumbs up to Mr. Reagan. This deserves to go viral! Mr Reagan Published on Mar 8, 2019 NOTE: I switched up some of the dates on these […]
Mueller and his crew of rabid Dem dysfunctionals are packing their crap, clearing offices and moving out. Game over. After some two years, over $100 million WASTED (his financial reports are amateur accounting deceptions, as you would expect from such a circus; NOTHING has been found tying Trump to any […]
Russia has, like Japan, had a serious declining birth rate issue for a while now; to the point where they are a ‘vanishing” country. I regard this move by Putin as a necessary “crisis” measure to save his nation, which will indeed otherwise become a land occupied almost entirely by […]
It’s no secret that Hillary Clinton is a panderer of epic proportions. And though she claims she won’t be running for President this year, the fact that she’s heading to southern States and flipping her normal accent to have a more Southern tone suggests she’s still thinking about, because if […]