Updates and coverage thanks very much to Pam Vernon at EWR Update Tues 8 Feb 22: The NZ convoy of protesters is now in Wellington at Parliament. I’ve read in an RNZ article the PM does not intend to speak with protesters (of course, no surprises there from the ‘one source of truth’). I’ve also […]

GoFundMe Whistleblowers: Thieves who stole and misappropriated ten million dollars from the Freedom protest. Here’s their address! The face of GoFundMe: Cops take Freedom Trucker’s fuel We will update as the situation progresses. Martin SEE ALSO: GoFundMe Seizes $10 Million of Trucker Protest Fundraising, Will Give to Charities Instead » […]

The Narrative continues to crumble as the Biden-China connections come back under scrutiny! Emma-Jo Morris, Matthew BoyleBreitbartSun, 30 Jan 2022 A criminal IRS investigation into Hunter Biden — President Biden’s son — appears to have convened a grand jury as far back as May 2019, a confidential subpoena served to JPMorgan Chase bank […]

You can’t make this stuff up. I’m sure we’ve all heard “Just following orders” before somewhere. Like Nuremberg. In fact, there are an awful lot of folk “just following orders” right now. People and organisations that ought to know better. Martin When Syd Fizzard paid a visit to the Canadian […]

‘Vaccine Passports’ came into existence because of COVID-19, right? Wrong. The passport agenda came first. Even the name “COVID” is of obscure origin. The WHO’s alleged naming process is suspicious. Previous variants were “Bird Flu”, “Swine Flu” etc. Shouldn’t this be “Bat Flu” or “Wuhan Flu” if the naming trend […]

A refreshingly honest yet alarming window into the reality of adverse COVID vaccine reaction hospitalisations, via a rare example of honest MSM! The denial aspect seems to be part and parcel of the whole deal, whatever country you happen to be in. Martin Joel KilpatrickThe Conejo GuardianTue, 14 Dec 2021 […]

And he had a legitimate Mask exemption! MH Paul Joseph Watson – SUMMIT News Aug 3, 2021 A shocking video out of Brisbane, Australia shows an elderly man suffering a suspected heart attack after he was arrested by police for not wearing a mask outside while exercising. The incident occurred […]
