Mainstream media had a field day with the manipulated evidence. Here’s the real story! Trump asks for peaceful demonstration, denounces White Supremacists, explains the meaning of “fight” in footage you never saw. Meanwhile the Dems and the anti-Trump media caught red-handed presenting manipulated and edited evidence. Bet you don’t see […]

…with a new political party: The Patriot Party. Thanks to source “Richard” for this image. Naturally, most MSM reports are negative, playing on “Far Right” labelling: ‘It’s Got A Great Ring To It’: Conservative Personalities Warm To Trump ‘Patriot Party’ With QAnon Roots (

US Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) is calling out her party for pushing through a new code of conduct that essentially denies women exist by requiring gender-neutral language in Congressional rules. RTTue, 05 Jan 2021 US Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) is calling out her party for pushing through a new code […]
