Better than Ardern: Deepest respect to Donald Trump for this good deed! The Trump administration on Monday blacklisted eight Chinese companies whose products are used in the surveillance of Uighur Muslims in Western China. By ADAM BEHSUDI and DOUG PALMER 10/07/2019 06:18 PM EDT The order bans U.S. companies from […]
Listen to the tantrums from the Elites! Trump shows that he’s made of the “right stuff” by terminating one of their money-spinning, “endless” wars. Here’s RT’s take on the situation: RTMon, 07 Oct 2019 12:33 UTC Give the man his Nobel peace prize already. Heck, if O’bomber got it… It’s […]
If you want to know what’s going down in US politics…ask the Russians!? RTFri, 04 Oct 2019 00:00 UTC Another transcript has poked a hole in the narrative of House Democrats trying to impeach President Donald Trump, as former US special envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker testified he never pushed […]
Earthquake hazards from the NMFZ pose a significant risk to much of the US. Regionally, a large earthquake will affect people, property, infrastructure, and market and supply sectors. However, the importance of the region as a transportation and distribution center means that a large earthquake would have serious ripple effects […]
The White House has released the transcript of Donald Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. What it reveals is damning, but only for former Vice President Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and the establishment media. Raheem KassamThe Daily CallerWed, 25 Sep 2019 10:30 UTC Instead of being […]
I am altering the deal, pray I don’t alter it any further. – Darth Vader, The Empire Strikes Back Article authored by: Tom LuongoGold Goats ‘n GunsTue, 24 Sep 2019 You know I think there are no coincidences in politics. Everything happens on a particular schedule. So when I see […]
Japanese Defense Minister Taro Kono told reporters Wednesday that he has not seen any intelligence indicating Iran was behind the attacks on Saudi Arabian oil facilities over the weekend, contradicting Saudi and Trump administration claims about the incident. Jake Johnson – Common Dreams Sept 18, 2019 “We are not aware […]
I have access to certain reports. Which is the reason why, what I write might be months, even years, ahead of the echo chamber. There are serious obligations concerning the information. by G Squared AltMedia Pundits leach from what people as myself disseminate. They have no closer sources as claimed. […]
Saudi Arabia’s energy minister said that its oil supplies had resumed and that its oil market would be “fully back online” by the end of September following attacks which Washington blames on Iran while Riyadh is still probing. RTTue, 17 Sep 2019 18:00 UTC Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman told […]
Just in case you missed it or have been stuck on a desert island for the past few days…(interesting to note Trump’s reassurances that there is “plenty of oil”) MH Kate Lyons – The Guardian Sept 16, 2019 Abqaiq processing facility ablaze. Donald Trump has said the US was “locked […]