Focus on the Clinton body count list and “Omen-like” bizarre death scenarios from G Squared. Makes you wonder how the media can get away with all the focus on Trump (who cut ties with Epstein years ago and only flew on his jet once in the mid 90’s) Here’s G […]
Judging by his supposed activity on Twitter, the Dayton shooter appears to have held views opposite to those of the El Paso gunman from hours earlier. A now-suspended account, allegedly his own, implies he was a die-hard leftist. RT – Aug 5, 2019 Judging by his supposed activity on Twitter, […]
Heaven help us all if Socialist politics win the day… Fox news reports on the mayhem! The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) National Convention in Georgia this weekend came to a screeching halt when one delegate formally complained of “sensory overload” from “guys” whispering in the room — prompting another “comrade” […]
Comparing the treatment of Jeffrey Epstein to Ramsey Orta, the man who filmed Eric Garner’s murder, reveals the grotesque inequality at the heart of American society. There’s one set of rules for the rich, and an entirely different set for the poor. Hide Out Now – Jul 2019 Late Wednesday […]
Is Roberts correct in singling out the Democrats as the “bad guys”, or is this the same old diversionary two-party, one controller illusion? Paul Craig Roberts – July 25, 2019 Earlier today I posted my comments with links to the congressional questioning of Mueller about his report that, despite […]
We hear so much negative news about religious institutions, it’s something of a shock when we receive some good stuff. This is what Christianity is supposed to be all about: Date: July 24, 2019Author: Nwo Report Source: Will Maule | Contributor | Churches across the United States are engaging […]
‘The Squad’ is the term to which the four FemDem Gynocratic arrogant, ignorant buffoons refer to themselves. Sen. John Kennedy (Dem turned GOP) refers to them as The Four Horsewomen of The Apocalypse, and the reason why detailed instructions need to appear on shampoo bottles. by G Squared 24/7/19 They […]
Attempts to diminish the triumph of Apollo 11 and to reassign credit don’t just taint the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, but presage the technological decline of the US if it persists with identity politics. Igor OgorodnevRTWed, 17 Jul 2019 15:59 UTC With the Founding Fathers now rarely mentioned […]
Once a sleepy farming region, Silicon Valley is now the hub of a global industry that is transforming the economy, shaping our political discourse, and changing the very nature of our society. So what happened? How did this remarkable change take place? Why is this area the epicenter of this […]
All Americans have the right to speak freely, not just supporters of one political party or another, President Donald Trump told social media platforms at a White House “summit” featuring mainly influencers who have supported him. RTThu, 11 Jul 2019 23:33 UTC © Reuters/Carlos BarriaPresident Donald Trump speaks to social […]