While the number of measles cases might be accurate, there is an obvious worldwide orchestrated agenda at work. Does the Measles really spontaneously “beak out” in various locations around the world all at the same time? Does the virus have some sort of psychic co-ordination? And what of the cases […]
While correlation isn’t necessarily causation, there’s surely something here that needs investigation: Kristina KristenChildren’s Health DefenseTue, 23 Apr 2019 00:01 UTC In the United States, many legislators and public health officials are busy trying to make vaccines de facto compulsory – either by removing parental/personal choice given by existing vaccine […]
Sooner than most of us expected, but a welcome expose of the Skripal affair nonetheless! Another of those “Conspiracy theorists right again” moments. MH Kit KlarenbergSputnikWed, 17 Apr 2019 20:44 UTC While London almost immediately blamed Moscow for being behind the poisoning of ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter […]
“My name is Pete Buttigieg. They call me Mayor Pete,” He’s young. He has mass appeal. He is openly gay, and he’s running for president in 2020. His message is comic book simple: “Freedom, Security, Democracy.” Meet Pete. Much like NZ’s Jacinda Ardern, he’s come from out of the blue […]
The following article from Live Science addresses something that has quietly concerned me for some time: While the Pacific “Ring of Fire” became highly active in 2010-2011 and has remained busy ever since, California, which should have been shaking along with all the rest, has remained almost dormant, as this […]
VIPS warn that Trump’s policies regarding Venezuela appear to be on a slippery slope that could take us toward war in Venezuela and military confrontation with Russia. MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJECT: Avoiding War with Russia over Venezuela Mr. President: Your Administration’s policies […]
On March 26 President Trump, now relieved of the burden of the Russiagate investigation holding back his administration, made the important strategic announcement that America will be reviving the John F. Kennedy space program to bring humanity back to the Moon, with the intention of leaping onwards to Mars. Matthew […]
Trump is cleared, but of course the Dems are going to “investigate the investigation”..sigh…Here’s the Beeb with the MSM story: President Trump’s campaign did not conspire with Russia during the 2016 election, according to a summary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report submitted to Congress on Sunday. The report summary […]
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Tuesday directed all departments to stop using a popular weed killer (Roundup) until more is known about its potential health and environmental effects. NBC Los AngelesWed, 20 Mar 2019 15:53 UTC Supervisor Kathryn Barger recommended the moratorium on glyphosate — a main ingredient […]
For those of you who still hold onto to the idea that America will never follow in China’s Big Brother footsteps, I give you this disturbing story. By MassPrivateI A recent CNET article revealed how the Washington County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) in Oregon uses Amazon’s Rekognition software to identify shoplifters. The […]