“The violence that has destroyed in whole or part eight countries, murdering, maiming, and displacing millions of peoples, was committed by the Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama regimes,…Trump and his deplorables have a long way to go to match this record of violence.”
What exactly Is President Trump’s powerfully worded EO 13818? Why has it attracted so much fake news and debunking attention?
Don’t miss this exciting, informative and alarming Dark Journalist episode!
We need to free our students from the system of debt slavery that has financialized education, turning it from an investment in human capital into a tool for exploiting the young for the benefit of private investors. by Ellen Brown
The Media machine is in a frenzy over a controversial new book, and with such world shaking revelations as The secrets of Donald Trump’s hair, who wouldn’t get excited ? (ahem…)
While the man has come in for plenty of flak, Trump certainly seems to be holding up to his promise regarding employment! Phillip Bump, The Washington Post: On Friday morning, the government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics released employment numbers for December, bookending President Trump’s first year in office. While […]
“All the signs were there” according to Dutchsinse: Here’s some videos:
Is this for real? Bombshell revelation seems almost “too good to be true”. I’m publishing this in good faith, but I will follow up with some fact checking! Martin
https://youtu.be/enkIVmAZXyU Dirty money tied to George Soros and Hillary Clinton was used to pay women to falsely accuse President Trump of sexual harassment, according to a bombshell New Year’s Day report in the New York Times.
Higher education has been financialized, transformed from a public service into a lucrative cash cow for private investors.