Microsoft committed to protecting democratic freedoms. Then it funded an Israeli facial recognition firm that secretly watched West Bank Palestinians. By Olivia Solon NBC News Microsoft has invested in a startup that uses facial recognition to surveil Palestinians throughout the West Bank, in spite of the tech giant’s public pledge […]

Although DoC said it’s ‘UNLIKELY’ the deaths of 600+ rats found at a Westport beach were caused by 1080, independent lab testing confirms they “ALMOST CERTAINLY” were. EWR by Carol Sawyer Via Pam Vernon, Envirowatch Rangitikei 1 – 3 November, 2019 – The Dept of Conservation aerially drops 104 tonnes […]

This is the world expert on 5G that NZ’s Minister of Health is ‘too busy’ to meet with. Funny that. Just as NZ is chirping about rolling out 5G in a month or two. Interesting isn’t it? EWR Spirit strength Professor Dariusz Leszczynski will deliver a public lecture titled: “5G […]
