[ You’d think that all those empty McMansions could help America solve its homeless problem. But no. A commentator at source points out the following ] This is a perfect example of why Capitalism is not only extremely wasteful but also a modern day form of slavery. It is not […]
Month: April 2023
President Obama has approved the use of two predator drones to be used on a 24-hour basis to shoot Qaddafi forces in Libya. [youtube]RY6Yui2vgSo[/youtube] [youtube]AlmBzY9_K4c[/youtube] [youtube]Um7LAagVnsc[/youtube]
VOA’s Ndimyake Mwakalyelye talks to Elizabeth Roesch, International Rescue Committee’s women’s protection and empowerment advocacy officer, about assisting Ivorians. [youtube]rI85N0A9wJs[/youtube]
From a speech by Daniel Abrahamson given at “A Project For A New American Citizen : Rebuilding America’s Senses – Exposing False-Flag terrorism To Prevent A New 9/11” – a conference held at Austin University – in Texas. [youtube]MUDfYcY0CIM[/youtube]
“The upper 1 percent of Americans are now taking in nearly a quarter of the nation’s income every year. In terms of wealth rather than income, the top 1 percent control 40 percent. “Their lot in life has improved considerably. Twenty-five years ago, the corresponding figures were 12 percent and […]
There are two conspiracy theories of what happened on 9-11. The government side has been told by the Bush and Obama administrations and by all five Democrats and all five Republicans on the 911 Commission as well as the corporate news media. Their version is well known. An alternative […]
“The government and related agencies continue to blatantly lie and deny the existence of chemtrails. They say that what we see, are normal contrails and that chemtrails don’t exist; yet they are the ones who are responsible for the chemtrail spraying. When governments can lie so boldly to the people […]
Nearly five years after they snuck onto the BBC as Dow Chemical and took full responsibility for the Bhopal catastrophe (sending Dow’s stock plunging – see https://theyesmenfixtheworld.com), [youtube]ZzpJk47U3Os[/youtube] the Yes Men are interviewed by the BBC. [youtube]A7DzR11FRg8[/youtube]
A film about the Alien Conspiracy and our encounter with them upon discovery of the 10th planet “The 10th Planet” is an independent film scheduled to begin production in Los Angeles this August that will address the UFO/Alien conspiracy and the portrayal of our encounter with them upon discovering the […]
It’s time New Zealand and Australia had a quality health magazine. And now we will. For more info see: naturalmedicine.net.nz The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine has been sorely needed for a long, long time. In this era of mis-information and dis-information about health matters regarding natural remedies, we felt […]