Eight years ago it was all earthquakes, now it seems to be volcanic eruptions. Is this part of a sequence of major earth changes underway, and is this all natural, or does human intervention play a part? “Last Messages” has been covering these strange events for many years now. Here’s […]

Govt’s defence strategy takes solid stance on China The government has outlined concerns about China’s “increasing confidence” and references the risks other major powers such as the US and North Korea may pose on global stability, as part of its long-term strategy for defence. The 2018 Strategic Defence Policy Statement […]

(Natural News) President Trump is draining the “medical swamp.” The U.S. health care system is plagued by rampant fraud, abuse and profiteering carried out by dishonest doctors and pharmacists. In working to combat the rampant fraud, the DOJ has announced an unprecedented crackdown on medical fraud, charging over 600 people […]
