How long before this “voluntary” classification system becomes as compulsory as the nutritional guides on your food items? SOTT presents a great range of articles, clearly categorized, and of course open to inquiry and debate, as their comments section indicates. Much like Uncensored in fact. But unlike many mainstream news […]

“Must read” item! Ben specifically requested that I share this article from his archives and it is indeed something that we should all be aware of. While the “bookburning” is nothing new, (refer the documentary Skeletons in the Closet for instance) it is quietly gaining momentum as history and heritage […]

The Madness of Prince Charles. Talk about hypocrisy! Prince Charles was last night facing embarrassment after taking a series of private jet flights while lecturing world leaders about climate change. On a trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos last week, the Prince met activist Greta Thunberg and used […]
