I’ve talked to multiple sources on this. Professor Byram Bridle first mentioned this to me, then Robert Malone, then attorney Warner Mendenhall. This is big. STEVE KIRSCH 22/10/2023 This is important. This tweet has over 1M views in just 6 hours. Please read the entire thread and PLEASE hit the retweet […]

Netanyahu Actively “Cooperates” with Hamas, the Islamic State and Al Qaeda From Global Research For those who have doubts concerning the criminality and insidious role of Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government:   1. Netanyahu is on Record for Supporting and Financing Hamas Terrorists:   “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment […]

Note Kiwis: This plan to lift NZ’s ban on ‘gene editing and genetic modification to unlock enormous benefits for climate change, agriculture and health science’ they say … it indicates where we are headed. From Pam Vernon https://envirowatchnz.com/ All the research demonstrating the dangers of GMOs falls on deaf ears of course. Corporations rule and they […]

Things are moving fast, so here’s a selection of news items and information relevant to unfolding events as World War Three gears up. MH Biden to seek congressional support this week for billions in aid to Ukraine, Israel RFE/RLSun, 15 Oct 2023 White House national-security adviser Jake Sullivan said on […]

This film exposes something so nefarious, so evil, so mind-blowing that many will find it hard to believe. Yet it is true. From David Sorenson The Mystery of Israel – SOLVED! (stopworldcontrol.com) The shocking secrets unveiled by this incredible documentary will shine a blazing light on the criminal entities who […]

Peterson conducts a superb interview with author and investigative journalist Miranda Devine on the sordid details of the Hunter Biden’s laptop and the events of his father’s presidency. 392,500 views Oct 6, 2023 The Dr. Jordan B. Peterson Podcast Dr. Jordan B Peterson and writer Miranda Devine discuss her 2021 […]

Belle Carter – Natural News Oct 15, 2023 Financial and geopolitics analyst Martin Armstrong appeared on the recent “Health Ranger Report” to discuss with host Mike Adams how the horrifying Hamas attacks and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine are paving the way for a World War III that […]

Yasmin Porat, a survivor of the bloodshed at Kibbutz Be’eri, near the boundary with Gaza, says many Israeli civilians were killed by Israeli forces. Ali Abuminah and David Sheen – The Electronic Intifada Oct 16, 2023 An Israeli woman who survived the Hamas assault on settlements near the Gaza boundary […]
