Is Pfizer putting profits above lives? Public Citizen, a non-profit organization says that Pfizer can stop countries from speaking about contracts, block vaccine donations, unilaterally change delivery schedules & demand public assets as collateral. Palki Sharma tells you more. #Pfizer#CovidVaccine#Gravitas WION3.72M subscribers

The concepts of banning writings and speech, as well as propaganda and contra-narratives, is by the puppets of those who can, to convince and control those considered unable to think and mentally malleable, to lead them into a path of socio-economic self-destruction, for the benefit of the owning protagonists. by […]

“The Government wants to ensure Aotearoa is a place where everyone feels safe, valued, heard, has a strong sense of belonging, and is able to participate fully in society,” (Except presumably anyone who doesn’t want Dr. Pfizer’s Magic Elixir) MH. 25 JUNE 2021 Social cohesion programme to address incitement of […]

A New Zealand Law professor thinks that fascism, discrimination and interference with the Bill of Rights appear to be legally sound and justified. NewstalkZB reports: The Government’s new Traffic Light System appears to be watertight from a legal point of view. Under the new system announced on Friday, people who […]

Some superb research and honest stats on the likelihood of Covid re-infection provides food for thought on the Natural antibodies vs Vaccinated protection subject. Thanks to BJ for this item. Every morning after breakfast, while ensconced upon The Throne, I read today’s news. I alternate between reading “The Week” (a […]

Complaints about the government’s Three Waters Reform TV adverts have described them as misinformation, untrue and a taxpayer-funded propaganda campaign. From RNZ (link below) The government is proposing to amalgamate council-owned drinking, waste and stormwater infrastructure and services into four regional bodies. The $3.5 million advertising campaign, which began in June […]
