Genuine question – is it? And note this is NOT CENSORABLE as it only uses government data, and does not discuss medical information. So is it? Ivor Cummins183K subscribers The source article for the Sweden Data:… Please share as widely as possible – you can download the compressed video […]

A new poll has found that Americans refusing a Covid-19 vaccination are highly unlikely to change their minds as inoculation rates have also significantly dropped. RTMon, 07 Jun 2021 More than three in four adults (78%) who have thus far refused to get a Covid-19 vaccination say they are unlikely […]

When RT was forced to register as a ‘foreign agent’ by American authorities four years ago, it sparked a chain of events that saw the network banned from press events, cut off from potential partners and delisted on social media. RTSun, 06 Jun 2021 Speaking at a roundtable on press […]

Trailer to a “must watch” documentary available on Epoch TV. Never confuse “China” with “CCP”! In addition the wonderful team at China In Focus have reached out and asked me to help spread awareness of their aforementioned new channel Epoch TV: “Hi Martin Harris, Could you please spread the words […]
