The NYT alleged leaked Trump Tax Filings are fake. As fake as The Hitler Diaries, Soetoro’s (Obama’s) Hawaiian birth certificate, his tertiary education, and his SitCom family. As fake as the tertiary attainments of; Biden, Chelsea Clinton, AOC, Pocahontas, et al. by G Squared An agenda for political deception has […]
In case you hadn’t heard, he’s tested positive for COVID. by Martin Harris 3/10/20 Like many others, I sense a plan. A small number of Trump fans (mostly from the Q camp), have whispered to the author several times over the last few months, that the US President is going […]
And not just America’s youth: The author’s analysis applies to most Western countries! MH Brandon SmithAlt-MarketThu, 01 Oct 2020 There’s been a lot of debate lately on what generation of Americans is the most to blame for the current failures of the US as a society. Baby Boomers blame millennials […]
The agenda to eradicate Christchurch. by Martin Harris 2/10/20 Ten years ago a series of powerful earthquakes (themselves the subject of much controversy) demolished much of central Christchurch and Eastern suburbs. The subsequent ongoing rebuild has been subject to much political muddling and meddling. Now, it seems even the name […]
Now in its second week, Julian Assange’s extradition hearing at the Old Bailey in London just heard explosive testimony based on previously reported revelations that the CIA had actively plotted to assassinate him, by either poisoning or via a kidnapping plot. By Tyler Durden 30 September 2020 The testimony is part of the defense team’s attempt […]
And in direct contrast to the Trump Tax story…. Zero HedgeMon, 28 Sep 2020 Since the left is now in histrionics over President Trump’s perfectly legal use of the US tax code to avoid paying taxes for 10 out of the last 15 years, perhaps they’ll give as much attention […]
Here’s the TRUTH: alexandriabrownalexandriabrown/TwitterMon, 28 Sep So. I finally read the NYT Trump tax story because I wanted to see what line was being reported for taxes owed and I came across this about the $750 in 2016 and 2017. Per the NYT own story, Trump actually paid to the US Treasury $1 million in […]
Typical Left Wing MSM response to opposition: “Bury head in sand and pretend it isn’t happening”. Sad. Pathetic. MH Hugo Talks MSM Totally IGNORE Trafalgar Square Crowds #london#lockdown Forty to Fifty Thousand estimated crowd, and it isn’t newsworthy? Astounding. Does this not demonstrate how corrupt and biased the MSM truly […]
A picture is worth a thousand words. Paul Craig Roberts 27 September 2020 This from a reader: Source: Paul Craig Roberts:
“…earlier this year, there was another new peer-reviewed study comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated children. The results concluded that “unvaccinated children have better health outcomes than their vaccinated peers within the conditions examined”. James HererWeblyfThu, 27 Aug 2020 On May this year, the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute (CMSRI), a “medical […]