Thomas Jefferson once wrote that truth “has nothing to fear from” conflict. But the truth will not prevail in a world that prevents the conflict of ideas by suppressing speech. Little plans fast-track review of hate speech laws ..Hate speech has been used to punish and exclude people for hundreds […]
Actually, I can think of lot more than two ways, and the list is growing rapidly. Here’s John Miltimore’s article on the subject: John Miltimore – Activist Post March 28, 2019 When I took 1984 with me on vacation recently, I didn’t expect to read it. Unlike the two other […]
SThe illusion of truth is a mechanism by which one comes to believe something is true when it’s not. In fact, they don’t just believe it; they also defend it as true. Also, they close themselves off to the possibility that it might be false. Exploring Your MindSun, 15 Apr […]
Don’t cut out the fat just yet. Seems if this theory is correct, it’s fat, not lean meat, that gave us such big brains. Not much option for the Vegans there…! by Richard KementSapiens OrgThu, 28 Mar 2019 21:05 UTC © sodapix/Getty Images Northern Ethiopia was once home to a […]
No, this isn’t science fiction. This apocalypse coming live to your neighborhood and it isn’t at all good. A full length documentary by Sacha Stone exposing the 5G existential threat to humanity in a way we never imagined possible! Please SHARE this as widely as you feel drawn…use it to […]
Good on these parents for standing up to this madness. Primary school children being subjected to minority group agendas under the pretext of “respect and tolerance”? More like a recruitment drive in my opinion. And thankfully we still live in a country where one can freely express an opinion. Even […]
In 2020, Japan is inviting athletes from around the world to take part in the Tokyo Olympic Games. We are hoping for the games to be fair and peaceful. At the same time, we are worried about plans to host baseball and softball competitions in Fukushima City, just 50 km […]
29/3/19 Hagley Park Christchurch. Yusuf Islam speaks and performs in memory of the victims of the mosque terror attacks. After our earthquakes, the message was “Hope”. This time “Peace” is clearly the theme. Peace…we can only hope. Cat Stevens Yusuf Islam, Christchurch National Remembrance Ceremony bjdooley Published on Mar 28, […]
As someone who doesn’t even own a cellular ‘phone and has never bothered with Social Media, I found this opinion piece from Garner interesting. Martin H OPINION: Social media is a twisted, evil little pest that controls our lives, dominates our world and I am struggling to see the good […]
Yup, vaccination is top of the MSM news again. But it’s just the tip of the iceberg. The United Nations New World Order is upon us. by Martin Harris 28/3/19 The scare was on before the horrific terror attack, and with Christchurch still coming to terms with the aftermath, the […]