Yet another item from the Good News Department! I love being the harbinger of positive news… Thanks to Takebackyourpower and to Sarah at theConTrail for spreading the word. “sharing is caring”. After a city council attempted a silencing campaign, a UK judge has declared that the people have a right […]
Yet another example of the snowballing proliferation of “Police State” technologies. And what better place to indoctrinate the next generation than school? Contributed by Aaron Kesel of University Child Development, a private School in Seattle, has begun testing a facial recognition technology called SAFR, which stands for […]
MUST READ: While addressing Australians’ specifically, this warning is for ALL nations: Big Brother is Watching You..and probably reading this…! Thanks to “J” for bringing this to our attention: Illustration: Sturt Krygsman. By Fergus Hanson 11:00PM October 22, 2018 Many of us are unaware a transformational digital initiative […]
From the Good News Department! Posted on: Tuesday, October 23rd 2018 at 7:15 am Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2018 Bayer greedily bought and swallowed the ‘poison pill’ of Monsanto without considering its true liability. Fifty-seven billion Euros of market cap down the […]
25.10.18 Update at bottom of this article: For a publicity stunt as staged as the migrant caravan from Central America, one that one might have expected to have been carefully choreographed to advance their narrative of needy people with sob stories needing asylum, what does it say that all […]
Who ever thought a US President would speak against Saudi Arabia like this? See my opinion beneath this article! “They had a very bad original concept. It was carried out poorly and the cover-up was one of the worst in the history of cover-ups,” Trump declared in the Oval Office. […]
Sometimes things are the opposite of what they appear to be! Like the situation in this interview, for instance… by Martin Harris 23/10/18 While researching yesterday, my attention was taken by this remarkable interview with Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey: My initial reaction to this interview by host […]
An absolute mindblower. This is an under-examined subject with a possible connection to the Elite/Illuminati Deep State. Subscribe to these guys and see part two! Edge of Wonder Published on Oct 19, 2018 Did you know there is a strange phenomena where people are #disappearing without a trace in […]
This is a preliminary posting. I will add information as it becomes available Martin H
The chuffed lemmings, having been sold out, yet again. They were conned by Turnbull in the most shameful way. Now. they were conned again by a Turnbull Moore acolyte, connected to The Usual Suspects. And no one asked the right questions. BEYOND PATHETIC. They did Turnbull’s bidding. by G Squared, […]